Growing up being a degenerate in my teens meant I was on the road to having to learn how to fix pretty much everything and anything, because college wouldn’t be a option, but now if it’s got power to it ddc, ac or pneumatic I can just about fix it, which made me think about how simple everything really is, If you can fix a car, you can fix a furnace, vice versa, everything runs off a series of patterns tradesman’s wise, everything, if this is broke then this is what’s breaking it, once I realized it’s all pattern seeking in all fields which helped me musically because all I had to do is follow a pattern of sounds, I could never learn from notes or scales or a teacher but just following the pattern of sounds over and over again made me self taught how to play multiple instruments from a young age till now, I came from a degenerative kid who was lost and all I had to do is realize that everything follows a pattern, and you if understand that you can understand most you put your mind too. From a broken junkie at 14 years of age thinking and hoping it’ll be my end by 25, to a fully grown man who’s been beating the odds sense 21 years of age, addict-engineer, if I can do it I promise you, that anyone with a beating heart and 4 limbs can do it to, I’m dumber then a bag of rocks with a wrap sheet of dumb criminal acts and got flair up short term memory loss at a younger age, nothing could stop you if you just sit and believe, make a plan, and follow the patterns, and focus on what you need to do other then what your emotions are telling you too, everyone can make it one step at a time, one way or another :)